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New Ghibli-PRO dehumidifier cabinets

New Ghibli-PRO dehumidifier cabinets

The new dehumidifier cabinets from the exclusive Iteco Ghibli-PRO line are available. Products with a low environmental impact, they are useful for creating a dry environment in which to store the MSD (Moisture

The new dehumidifier cabinets from the exclusive Ghibli-PRO line are available. Products with a low environmental impact, they are useful for creating a dry environment in which to store the MSD components (Moisture Sensitive Devices), especially if sensitive to humidity, in accordance with J-STD-033 standards. No parameter setting is required. In addition to the two-year warranty and the quality of Made In Italy, Ghibli-PRO ensures:Efficiency and cost-savingIn addition to reducing recovery times after opening the doors, the single type of dehumidifier can be manually set to 2 different methods and, in the event of replacement/repair, it allows assistance not to act on the pair, but on the single module, still ensuring the desired efficiency and a reduction in costs;Reliability Equipped with a self-diagnosis system for problematic modules and totally in-house repairs;Practicality The dehumidifier modules have an LED display and keyboard.


Ghibli-PRO is available in 3 models: 350, 700 and 1400 L.

Humidity range : <5% RH guaranteed, typical 2% RHColor: light grey, RAL 7035Power: 230VacStructure: 1.2mm steel with dissipative paintDoors: 520x755mm, magnetic with hermetic closure, with keyEarth cable : 2m longESD paint: 10^3 – 10^9

  • Ease of use

Once the cabinet is connected to the electrical network, it will automatically below 5% RH (guaranteed value inside the cabinet, but values ​​of 2% are very easily reached), consequently the operator will not have to activate any predefined settings. The baking function, where provided, is activated via a button.

  • Safety in the event of sensor error:

The dehumidifier modules present in the cabinet work continuously and are not controlled by any sensor, avoiding dangers due to malfunctions or drifts of the hygrometers.

  • Easy calibration:

Inside the cabinet there is a portable hygrometer (DryLogger 9265.302) visible through the glass of the upper door and can be calibrated at any time, while the cabinet will continue to work at its best.

  • Modular structure:

The dehumidifier modules can be removed from the cabinet in a few minutes using only a screwdriver. This allows for easy repair and a cabinet life of over 20 years, as long as the metal structure. On each of the 4 doors there is a handle and a key lock.

wardrobe-iteco -ghibli-pro-350L

Capacity : 338L


Capacity: 668L


Capacity: 1384L


To monitor the operation of the cabinet it is including DryLogger 9265.302, a portable and removable instrument that allows you to measure humidity and temperature at different points inside the cabinet and also in the external environment. Equipped with Datalogger for viewing data on PC and complete with LogManager software necessary to graphically analyze humidity and temperature variations.

DryLogger 9265.302-iteco


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