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Bredi has for years specialized in the creation of custom products conceived, designed and created based on customer designs. Our training has led us to a long experience in cables

Bredi has specialized for years in the creation of custom products conceived, designed and created based on the customer's design.< /p>

Our training has led us to a long experience in co-molded USB cables that can be used for any type of application but always wanting to create the perfect co-molding for the customer, ad hoc in shape, color and use of the logo.

Technically co-molding unites, isolates,< strong id=""> strengthens and waterproofs; aesthetically, however, it enhances and characterizes your final product.

The total customization of the cable has led us to satisfy the most diverse needs:

USB 2.0/3.0/3.1da panel with flangesdifferent lengths and materialscustomized in the gilding of the contactswaterproof solutions in plastic versionswaterproof solutions in metal versionsheaders with housing connectors of every brand and typecoupling of connectors

Reliability, functionality, safety and practicality are fundamental elements for the design of electronic devices. Our proposal is that of work with attention to detail which aims to create a highly personalized product. During development, the necessary tests are carried out to guarantee the quality of the final article.

Functionality and quality in a single solution.

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