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April 28th is celebrated as the World Day for Health and Safety at Work established by the ILO - International Labor Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations - in 2003.

On 28 April we celebrate the World Day for Health and Safety at Work established by the ILO- International Labor Organization, specialized agency of the United Nations - in 2003.

The mission of this day is to increase awareness and disseminate information contents to citizens and institutions, regarding issues related to health and safety at work, aiming focus of attentionon the importance of prevention.

The initiative is an integral part of the global strategydeveloped by the ILO to promote the creation of a culture on safety and risk prevention, so that it can become part of the work process, although not an obligation.

Bredi, has been dealing with products relating to corporate security for years, informing its customers on the best practices to be consolidated for a safer working environment based on Lean principles. Ask for information to find out how to make your companysafer.Download poster

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